

My map

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Opportunities of Ballina


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You can still explore the existing Opportunities/ideas by clicking the pins on the map 





This submission supported the Geodesign Workshop on Ballina.


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Challenges of Ballina


This Map is closed !



You can still explore the existing Opportunities/ideas by clicking the pins on the map 





This submission supported the Geodesign Workshop on Ballina.


For more information, click 

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Stories and values in Ballina

This can be a particular memory, place, event, or object that makes you feel connected to Ballina...


- The annual Salmon Festival because the community comes together for it.
- The river, because I learned to fish there.
- The convent because I have happy memories of going to school there.


Or something you enjoy about Ballina…


- I like to walk along the river when it is sunny.
- The lively atmosphere along the main street.
- The sense of community in the town.


An aspect of cultural heritage in the town…


- Museums and exhibitions.
- The tradition of music, dance and storytelling.
- Handmade craft demonstrations.
- Fishing.

Explore the existing stories and values by clicking the pins on the map and add your own to the map by clicking below

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